Home Modifications Australia (MOD.A) is the national peak and industry body representing home modification providers for the aged and people with disabilities. We are the only organisation that operates as a representative and advocacy group for home modifications. Our information, resources and training is targeted towards the knowledge and skills required to assess and do home modifications as per Australian standards, current best-practice and according to the requirements of various government programs and initiatives.
If you are a provider of home Modifications and / or maintenance services and operate under the Commonwealth Home Support Program, Home Care Packages, DVA or the NDIS, then MOD.A is here to support you. At a time when we are undergoing generational change in our industry MOD.A is advocating on your behalf. For recognition of the special challenges you face when dealing with a unique clientele; for pricing models that won't drive you out of business; for a competitive environment that encourages continuous improvement and efficiency while protecting long-standing providers from predatory tactics from opportunistic newcomers.
At the same time, MOD.A is a crusader for improved outcomes for customers. For work that gets done right first time, at a fair price. Our view is that if our members are successful then their customers will be the beneficiaries.
And MOD.A is not just for organisations delivering home modifications directly. Occupational Therapists are a significant contributor to successful home modifications, as are the suppliers of ancillary goods and services. All are welcome as MOD.A members.
If you'd like to learn more about how MOD.A supports the home modifications sector, and can benefit your organisation, please get in touch. The more members we have, the more powerful is our collective voice.
Stay up-to-date with all the latest news, alerts and important updates relevant to the sector.